
Oct 23, 2020
Fiction Friday: Short Prose | The Stolen Book
Fiction Friday! We reunite with Aggie, keeping secrets and stealing magic books she shouldn't have.

Oct 9, 2020
Fiction Friday: Short Prose | The Spook In The Speakeasy Off Hollywood Boulevard
Have you ever been to the speakeasy off Hollywood Boulevard, partied with the ghosts?

Oct 2, 2020
Fiction Friday: The Work That Makes Good Writers
Writing is hard, y'all. I've been trying to collect some tips to make me better.

Sep 25, 2020
Fiction Friday: Short Prose | An Ambush And When Del Met Quinn
Fiction Friday: Del's not great with ambushes, especially of the romantic kind.

Sep 11, 2020
Fiction Fridays: Short Prose | A Witch And Her Wolf
A short little tale about a witch and her wolf and their new house in the canyon.